This page contains extra-judicial remarks on the subject of judicial diversity by Senior Members of the Judiciary from this jurisdiction and beyond, including past and present Supreme Court Justices and Lord Chief Justices.
Lectures by Current and Former Supreme Court Justices
- Lady Hale, ‘Judges, Power and Accountability: Constitutional Implications of Judicial Selection‘ (Constitutional Law Summer School Belfast, 11 August 2017)
- Lord Mance, ‘The Role of a Judge in a Democracy’ (Judicial Committee of the Privy Council’s Fourth Sitting in The Bahamas, 24 February 2017)
- Lord Neuberger, ‘The Role of the Supreme Court Seven Years On – Lessons Learnt‘ (21 November 2016)
- Lady Hale, ‘Appointments to the Supreme Court’ (University of Birmingham, 6 November 2015)
- Lord Neuberger, ‘Rainbow Lecture 2014 on Diversity’ (House of Commons, 12 March 2014)
- Lady Hale, ‘Women in the Judiciary’ (Fiona Woolf Lecture, 27 June 2014)
- Lady Hale ‘Equality in the Judiciary’ (Kuttan Menon Memorial Lecture, 21 February 2013)
- Lord Sumption, ‘Home Truths about Judicial Diversity’ (Bar Council Law Reform Lecture, 15 November 2012)
- Lady Hale, ‘It’s a Man’s World: Redressing the Balance’ (University East Anglia, 16 February 2012)
- Lord Clarke, ‘Selecting Judges: Merit, Moral Courage, Judgement and Diversity‘ (MT and SA Conference on Judicial Independence, December 2010)
- Lady Hale ‘Dignity’ (University of Otago, 5 May 2010)
- Lady Hale, ‘Making a Difference? Why We Need a More Diverse Judiciary’ (2005) 56 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 281.
- Lady Hale, ‘Equality in the Judiciary: Why Should We Want More Women Judges’ [2001] Public Law 489.
Lectures by other Senior Judicial Officials
- Lord Thomas, ‘Dinner for Her Majesty’s Judges’ (Mansion House, 6 July 2016)
- Lord Thomas, ‘Temple Women’s Forum Speech’ (University of Leeds School of Law, 29 April 2015)
- Lady Justice Arden, ‘Magna Carta and the Judges – Realising the Vision’ (Royal Holloway, June 2011)
Lectures by Judges from other Jurisdictions
- Rt Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, ‘The Challenges of Diversity‘ (Judicial Studies Committee Inaugural Annual Lecture, 7 June 2012)
- Justice Susan Glazebrook, ‘Looking Through the Glass: Gender Inequality at the Senior Levels of New Zealand’s Legal Profession’ (Chapman Tripp – Women in Law Event, 16 September 2010)
- Justice Sotomayor, ‘A Latina Judge’s Voice’ (2002) 13 Berkeley La Raza 87: (also published in the New York Times)