Supporters’ Roll:
- Chris Ashford, University of Sunderland
- Bev Baines, Queen’s University
- Claudia Baldoli, Newcastle University
- Sarah Beresford, Lancaster University
- Julia Black, LSE
- Stuart Blacklock, Durham Law School/Ashurst LLP
- Tamsin Blow, Olswang LLP
- Bryna Bogoch, Bar Ilan University
- Jaclyn Booth, Durham University
- Annemarie Bradley, Durham University
- Sarah Brown, University of Leeds
- Shami Chakrabarti, House of Lords
- Bela Chatterjee, Lancaster University
- Mary L Clark, American University Washington College of Law
- Julia Clarke, Clifford Chance LLP
- Neil Cobb, Durham University
- Anita Coles, Liberty
- Laura Coogan, Olswang LLP
- Ruth B. Cowan, Ralph Bunche Institute, City University of New York
- Fiona Cownie, Keele University
- Angela Devereux, Cardiff University Law School
- Mandy de Waal
- Emma Di Iorio, University of Bristol Students’ Union
- Josephine Dawuni, Institute for African Women in Law
- Tazmeen Essa, University of London, External
- Martin Farr, Newcastle University
- Georgina Firth, Lancaster University
- Sara Fovargue, Lancaster University
- Nikki Godden, Durham Law School, Durham University
- Dr Amanda Goodall, University of Warwick
- Richard Gordon QC, Brick Court Chambers
- Lewis A Graham, University of Cambridge
- Nicholas Green QC, Chairman, The Bar Council
- Simon Grimble, Durham University
- Xavier Gugan, Newcastle University
- Carol Harlow, LSE
- Judith Harris, Addleshaw Goddard LLP
- Geraldine Healy, Queen Mary, University of London
- Jen Hendry, University of Leeds
- Gervas Huxley, University of Bristol
- Alan Inglis, Barrister
- Sundeep Iyer, Harvard University
- Emily Jackson, Law Department, LSE
- Jackie Jones, Bristol Law School, UWE
- Hannah Jones, University of Leeds
- Panos Kapotas, LSE
- Sally J. Kenney, Newcomb College Institute, Tulane University
- Jo Eric Khushal Murkens, LSE
- Nicola Lacey, LSE
- Zoe Lagadec, University of Brighton
- Troy Lavers, University of Leicester
- Becca Lawrence, Durham University
- Andrew Le Sueur, Queen Mary, University of London
- Stephen Levinson, RadcliffesLeBrasseur
- Sam Lewis, University of Leeds
- Carly Lightwater, University of Leeds
- Rachel Lim, Durham University
- William Linton, Queen Mary, University of London
- Joan Loughrey, University of Leeds
- Andrew Lynch, University of New South Wales
- Virginia Mantouvalou, University of Leicester
- Alexandra Marks
- Elaine Martin, Eastern Michigan University
- Jess Mant, University of Leeds
- Vincent McAviney, Durham Law School, Durham University
- Peter McTigue, Nottingham Law School
- Mario Mendez, Queen Mary, University of London
- Karon Monaghan QC, Matrix Chambers
- Richard Moorhead, Cardiff University
- Alice Morgan, Sidley Austin
- Eric Metcalfe, Justice
- Linda Mulcahy, LSE
- Ann Mumford, Queen Mary, University of London
- Alastair Mullis, Head of School – University of Leeds School of Law
- Mduduzi, Abenathi Village for Community Care
- Tonia Novitz, University of Bristol
- Aoife O’Donoghue, Durham Law School
- Morné Olivier, University of the Witwatersrand & University of Waikato
- Suzanne Ost, Lancaster University
- Liz Pepler, Justice
- Anne Phillips, LSE
- Oliver Phillips, School of Law, University of Westminster
- Gavin Phillipson, Law School, University of Durham
- Jose Pina-Sánchez, University of Leeds
- Ania Plomien, LSE
- Nicky Priaulx, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University
- Stephanie Roberts, Universty of Westminster
- Harriet Robinson, University of Oxford
- Joe Roeber, Transparency International UK
- Isabella Sankey, Liberty
- Lynn Hecht Schafran, National Judicial Education Program, New York
- Phoebe Scott, University of Leeds
- Melissa Silvestri, London South Bank University
- Hayley Smith, Justice
- Jen Smith, Keele University
- Leanne Smith, Cardiff University
- Roger Smith, Justice
- Eleanor Spaventa, Durham University
- Neelam Srivastava, Newcastle University
- Susan M. Sterett, University of Denver
- Ann Stewart, Warwick University
- Michaela Stirling, Olswang LLP
- Andrew Tickell, Doctoral Student, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
- Benjamin Von Maur, Queen Mary, University of London
- Ruth Waters, University of Bristol
- Dr Matthew Weait, School of Law, Birkbeck College
- James Welch, Liberty
- Celia Wells, Bristol University
- Richard Young, Bristol University
- Henrietta Zeffert, University of Leeds
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